Easy Client Integrations for 3PL & Trucking Operations
If your business is still calling or emailing transportation information to your clients, your days are
numbered. It’s only a matter of time before all shippers require digital connectivity
Digitally Connect your
Operations to your Customer
- Integrate your TMS / fleet system to your customer. Stop relying on your vendor for this mission critical need
- Talk directly to your customer’s ERP regardless of platform, directly receive and update orders, shipments. Send POD and invoices for quicker and more accurate payments
- Quotes, Tenders, Acceptances, Documents, Status, Invoicing and more
- Connect to your customers APIs or join a client’s EDI program
- Send status / GPS – visibility information in real-time
Be a Digital Broker/3PL
- Traditional 3PL/ Carrier to customer integrations, whether built in-house or by third-party providers, are costly, requiring product managers, developers, and ongoing maintenance. 1LT’s no-code approach removes this layer
- Your SMEs (subject matter experts) not developers create the integrations
- Create integrations in hours not weeks/months

Transportation iPaaS
1Logtech is the First and Only non-developer
(iPaaS) integration platform as a service
focused on TL, LTL, final-mile and customer
TIME and Money
Stop waiting in the queue and paying $1000s
for every new customer
AI-Driven Integrations
By looking at data samples the AI tool does the
heavy lifting of interpreting the needs of an API,
allowing non developers to build/update.
Every ERP is implemented differently, producing
unique data outputs. As a 3PL, you must adapt
to meet each customer’s workflow and
requirements. With 1LT, your own operational
team adjusts
Cutting-Edge Tech at Lower Cost
Better, Faster AND Cheaper: Built on a purpose-
driven iPaaS framework, 1LT’s advanced tech
stack is the most efficient of any offering,
allowing us to charge less. Eliminate your EDI
VAN, API service provider and integration