What Does Low Code / No Code Mean for Logistics?

Low Code / No Code are industry buzzwords that, like many such terms, often come with definitions that vary depending on who you ask. I thought it worthwhile to explore what these terms mean to 1Logtech (1LT).

1LT embodies the essence of low code / no code, yet our approach delves much deeper. At our foundation, we are designed to empower business experts, not developers, to create software solutions themselves.

Consider the analogy of website design. Historically, artists and marketers would draft site requirements and hand them off to development.  Project managers would interpret these designs into technical specifications for developers to code. Despite their best efforts, project manages & developers, not being artists, would lose some of the original vision, leading to a cycle of adjustments and redesigns.

Fast forward to the modern era, where artists can now directly create websites using ‘no-code’ platforms. While they must learn the platform, they’re not required to master complex programming languages, hence the term “low code / no code.”

A logistics-related example is optimization software. Such software, which requires sophisticated mathematics to optimize routing, carrier selection, and more, previously needed specialized engineers to tune and adjust. Today, these systems have been simplified so that everyday users can manage them without an engineering background.

The process of software development, especially in logistics, is fraught with challenges. The transfer of knowledge from operations to developers often results in a loss of industry-specific insights. This problem is exacerbated by the increasing reliance on offshore or remote development teams and the aging of legacy code systems in our industry.

At 1LT, we’ve observed this loss of knowledge transfer, particularly in connectivity, where it’s more pronounced than in other sectors. Our solution mirrors the evolution seen in other fields: removing the developer from the equation and enabling those with industry knowledge to create solutions directly.

Low code / no code doesn’t imply an absence of code. On the contrary, platforms like website builders or optimization engines involve substantial amounts of underlying code to simplify the user experience for non-technical users. This is where 1LT stands out—not just as a low/code tool but as a next-generation, fully modern integration platform. Built on decades of industry expertise, 1LT offers a unique self-service option for operational staff to set up their own integrations, bypassing traditional development hurdles.

In essence, 1LT defines low code / no code as “self-service / low-code” which allows operational integrations crafted by those with the most relevant industry and business knowledge. This approach not only streamlines the development process but also ensures solutions are grounded in the specific needs and experiences of logistics professionals.

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