Why 1Logtech Identifies as a “Transportation iPaaS”

First, let’s clarify what an iPaaS is: an “Integration Platform as a Service.”

1Logtech was founded by veterans of the transportation industry who understand that transportation data is challenging and volatile. Tools designed for other sectors often fall short in logistics. The reasons are manifold, largely due to logistics’ inherent complexity with countless variables. Transportation Management Systems (TMS) used by carriers and shippers vary significantly—ranging from cutting-edge technology to systems that are decades old.

A critical aspect of transportation is its operation across a business’s entire ecosystem, not just within a single company but extending to a vast network of trading partners with varying technological capabilities. Furthermore, it involves managing intricate operational processes, not merely exchanging simple orders or financial data. These operations are laden with industry-specific regulations, nuances, and experiences. For instance, a Bill of Lading (BOL) for a shipment showcases the complexity of operational data that must be communicated.  Google a BOL to get a better understanding.

While iPaaS systems are adept at handling order data, the unique challenges of shipment data for operations necessitate a tool specifically designed for transportation. This need arises from the frequent failures and losses in the handover process from operations to solution design and then to the IT team responsible for coding.

Forester’s latest Forrester WAVE for iPaaS highlights the importance of “Democratizing Integration,” advocating for solutions that enable “citizen integrators” to build integrations independently, without heavily relying on IT teams. This approach minimizes the loss of information during the handover from design to coding, making iPaaS accessible for non-technical users.  I Highly recommend reading the Forrester WAVE and Gartner Magic Quadrant on iPaaS, both can be found as downloadable on numerous websites (if you don’t mind leaving your marketing data.)

1Logtech stands out as the quintessential citizen integration tool for the transportation sector. Unlike “low-code” platforms that still require programming knowledge (C#/Java,)  1Logtech requires no coding. Operational users, who have no coding skills but possess operational expertise, can establish fully functional integrations without the need for IT or third-party assistance. This capability applies to creating new integrations with any system, not just adding to a pre-existing library or platform.

Behind the scenes, a significant amount of technology enables this reality, and it’s already in production with 1Logtech.

While 1Logtech may not serve as a comprehensive enterprise iPaaS for all system communications, it is an indispensable tool for transportation communications, effectively it is a specialized iPaaS. That’s why we say “Transportation iPaaS.”   Initially focusing on TMS data integration for over-the-road movements such as truckload, LTL, and final mile, our vision encompasses all aspects of logistics technology in the future. If you currently use a TMS and seek to connect it to other systems, wish to take control of all your integrations, or find relying on third-party connections strategically unsound, then 1Logtech is your go-to solution.

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